you call it a motor vehicle accident, an automobile accident, a wreck or simply
a crash it is much more than a minor inconvenience. Motor Vehicle Accident have
been shown to cause long lasting health related issues. New research has shown
that even minor motor vehicle accidents can produce symptoms that last over
a year if not treated.
There was a time when a person was thought to be faking if they claimed to
have pain following a "fender bender." Current thinking has changed
as science has showed how the car of today are much better at preventing mortality,
but not designed to prevent the forces that someone experiences in a low speed
Chiropractors have been treating patients involved in motor vehicle accidents
for decades. Chiropractic and a specific exercise program has been shown to
be the best in treating patients who have experienced a motor vehicle accident.
Injuries sustained in an automobile accident can be treated and the long lasting
symptoms can be preventing. If you have been in an automobile accident call
our clinic to find out how we can help.